The Jonas Brothers and some of their favorite ladies Demi Lovato and Alyson Stoner sing camp songs around the campfire in this new sneak peek into the upcoming DCOM, Camp Rock 2 The Final Jam.
Alyson dished on recording the songs that will be featured: “The recording process is four steps. You get the song, you practice, you show up at the recording studio and you rock it out. I have to say, rocking it out is probably my favorite part.”
Jonas Brothers i neke od njihovih omiljenih dama Demi Lovato i Alyson Stoner pjevaju pjesme oko logorske vatre u ovom novom videu u predstojećim DCOM, Camp Rock 2 The Final Jam.
Alyson je izjavila na snimanju pjesme koja ce biti istaknuta u buducnosti: "Proces snimanja od četiri koraka. Ti dobijes pjesmu, tvoja praksa, ti se pojavljujes u studiou za snimanje i ti rasturas. Moram reći, da je rasturanje vjerojatno moj omiljeni dio. "