We The Kings: Demi Lovato Is Incredible
We The Kings guys Travis Clark, Danny Duncan and Hunter and Drew Thomsen are still in ‘a dream’ state after working with Demi Lovato.
The guys dished to JSYK on working with the 17-year-old songstress and praised, “She’s incredible. She had been a good friend of ours for a while. I called her and was like, ‘Hey, I have this song. I’m gonna send it to you. Let me know what you think.’ I send her songs just to see what she thinks. She was like, ‘It’s absolutely amazing. It gave me chills.’ And I was like, ‘All right, well, do you want to sing it with me?’ And she’s like, ‘No way!’ She started freaking out.”
The song, “We’ll Be a Dream,” is “all about growing up, being what you want to be, staying true to your roots, and finding love.”
Travis added on, “She’s a Disney star, and we knew that we might get hate on it or whatever [over working with her], but I think once people actually hear the song they’ll realize she’s actually a very incredibly talented singer. It makes the song, it really does.”
HAVE YOU HEARD “We’ll Be A Dream?” What do you think of it?
We The Kings decko Travis Clark, Danny Duncan, Hunter i Drew Thomsen su još uvijek u 'san' stanju nakon rada s Demi Lovato.
Dečki su rekli JSYK na radu s 17-godišnjom pjevačicom i pohvalio, "Ona je nevjerojatna. Ona je dobra prijateljica za nas neko vrijeme. Zvao sam je i bilo je kao, "Hej, ja imam ovu pjesmu. Poslat cu ti je. Reci mi sta misliš. "Poslao sam joj pjesmu samo da vidim što ona misli. Ona je bila kao, 'To je apsolutno nevjerojatno. Daje mi hladnocu. "A ja sam bio kao," Onda dobro, dobro, da li je želiš pjevat samnom? "A ona je kao 'Nema šanse!" Počela je ludjeti. "
Pjesma "We'll Be a Dream," je "sve o odrastanju, biti ono sto zelis biti, da ostanete vjerni svojim korijenima, i nalaženju ljubavi."
Travis je dodao, "Ona je Disney zvijezda,i znali smo da mozda mozemo dobiti mrznjuod na jega ili svejedno [preko radjenja sa njom], ali mislim da kad jednom ljudi čuju pjesmu shvatit ce da je ona ustvari vrlo nevjerojatno talentirani pjevač. To pravi pjesme, to stvarno radi. "
Evo da cujete pjesmu:
We The Kings guys Travis Clark, Danny Duncan and Hunter and Drew Thomsen are still in ‘a dream’ state after working with Demi Lovato.
The guys dished to JSYK on working with the 17-year-old songstress and praised, “She’s incredible. She had been a good friend of ours for a while. I called her and was like, ‘Hey, I have this song. I’m gonna send it to you. Let me know what you think.’ I send her songs just to see what she thinks. She was like, ‘It’s absolutely amazing. It gave me chills.’ And I was like, ‘All right, well, do you want to sing it with me?’ And she’s like, ‘No way!’ She started freaking out.”
The song, “We’ll Be a Dream,” is “all about growing up, being what you want to be, staying true to your roots, and finding love.”
Travis added on, “She’s a Disney star, and we knew that we might get hate on it or whatever [over working with her], but I think once people actually hear the song they’ll realize she’s actually a very incredibly talented singer. It makes the song, it really does.”
HAVE YOU HEARD “We’ll Be A Dream?” What do you think of it?
We The Kings decko Travis Clark, Danny Duncan, Hunter i Drew Thomsen su još uvijek u 'san' stanju nakon rada s Demi Lovato.
Dečki su rekli JSYK na radu s 17-godišnjom pjevačicom i pohvalio, "Ona je nevjerojatna. Ona je dobra prijateljica za nas neko vrijeme. Zvao sam je i bilo je kao, "Hej, ja imam ovu pjesmu. Poslat cu ti je. Reci mi sta misliš. "Poslao sam joj pjesmu samo da vidim što ona misli. Ona je bila kao, 'To je apsolutno nevjerojatno. Daje mi hladnocu. "A ja sam bio kao," Onda dobro, dobro, da li je želiš pjevat samnom? "A ona je kao 'Nema šanse!" Počela je ludjeti. "
Pjesma "We'll Be a Dream," je "sve o odrastanju, biti ono sto zelis biti, da ostanete vjerni svojim korijenima, i nalaženju ljubavi."
Travis je dodao, "Ona je Disney zvijezda,i znali smo da mozda mozemo dobiti mrznjuod na jega ili svejedno [preko radjenja sa njom], ali mislim da kad jednom ljudi čuju pjesmu shvatit ce da je ona ustvari vrlo nevjerojatno talentirani pjevač. To pravi pjesme, to stvarno radi. "
Evo da cujete pjesmu: